Hello everyone, with this website we begin a series that will describe the oldest and most famous gambling houses – casinos – in Europe and around the world in as many languages as possible. To offer an unbiased description we will use wikipedia.org as the main source. We will also add our personal comments and impressions from our own experience, last-minute updates and news.

select language >

Español /es Portugués y brasileño /pt

Deutsch /de Français /fr Italiano /it

日本語 /jp Русский /ru Język polski /pl

简体中文 /cn Bahasa Indonesia /id

اللغة العربية /ar हिन्दी भाषा /hi Türk Dili /tr

Nederlandse taal /nl Limba română /ro

We would be grateful if you would provide us with your original photos and narratives of your personal experiences with a free licence to publish.

We will be happy to publish your content.

Send them to our email, thank you.

So, let’s start with the oldest and most famous European casinos, choose your preferred language from the menu above or from the list below.

select language >

Español /es Portugués y brasileño /pt

Deutsch /de Français /fr Italiano /it

日本語 /jp Русский /ru Język polski /pl

简体中文 /cn Bahasa Indonesia /id

اللغة العربية /ar हिन्दी भाषा /hi Türk Dili /tr

Nederlandse taal /nl Limba română /ro

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